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The Forgotten Solar System

image_1454_1-gd-61Often, when we think of the Solar System, only the planets and the Sun come to mind. But what about all the other stuff? There are millions of asteroids in the asteroid belt, tens of millions of objects in the Kuiper belt, and probably trillions of objects in the Oort cloud, not to mention the hundreds of Moons and dozens of dwarf planets scattered throughout the solar system.

Explore the underdogs of the Solar System in this fascinating planetarium show presented live by a U of T astronomer. You’ll learn all about the asteroids, comets, moons, and dwarf planets that don’t get nearly enough respect!

There are three show times: 7:00, 8:00 and 9:00pm.

For full details about purchasing tickets, visit

50 St. George Street (basement)

July 17, 2015