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Interview Our Experts

For media requests:

Dunlap astronomers are leading authorities on telescopes and instrumentation. They are also experts in a wide range of research, including:

  • Supernovas
  • Dark Energy
  • Large-scale structure in the Universe
  • The Cosmic Microwave Background
  • The interstellar medium
  • Galaxy evolution
  • Cosmic magnetism
  • Time-domain science

In your media request, please let us know your requested time and day of the interview, if it is to be live, taped, in person, or by Skype, and as much information on the content and format as possible.

If you can’t find the specific expert you are looking for among Dunlap astronomers, we encourage you to seek out our U of T colleagues in the David A. Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics, the Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics, Canadian Planetary Sciences, and the University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies.You can also search the University of Toronto’s Blue Book of 1000+ experts.



Michael Pereira
Communications and Multimedia Officer