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The Community Climate Committee (CCC) was formed partly to be the body who absorbed the recommendations of the APS, UTCAP, CCDI reviews of the astronomy units. Below are the seven recommendations formulated through these site reviews and which the CCC used to develop its working sub-committees:
A Summary of the Self-Defined Mandate of the University of Toronto Astronomy Community Climate Committee (CCC) is as Follows:
The CCC members meet on a monthly basis to discuss actionable items to be presented to leadership. The Committee chairs provide monthly input to unit heads based on a consensus developed in the CCC. Critically, the CCC is not responsible for enacting all of these recommendations; however, the DADDAA Chair and Dunlap Director can request additional input, information, and actions from the Committee where appropriate.
The CCC does not replace any other standing group in the department, such as GASA or its committees, although it may be productive to work together on common interests.
Faculty: Renée Hložek (Co-Chair), Hilding Neilson
Staff: Joanna Baylon (Co-Chair)
Postdoc(s): Cameron Van Eck, Sarah Gossan
Graduate Student(s): Shannon Vanderwoude, Taylor Kutra
Undergraduate Student(s): Ayush Pandhi (now Graduate student)
The inaugural members of the Community Climate Committee were Maria Drout (co-chairs), Joanna Baylon (co-chairs), Shannon Vanderwoude, Laura Keating, Sarah Gossan, Norm Murray, Hilding Neilson, Hugh Zhao, Ayush Pandhi, Taylor Kutra, and Cameron Van Eck. Renée Hlozek joined in 2021.
The nominal timeline for service to the Committee are staggered 1-year terms, with eligibility for reselection for a second year.