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In June 2014, the Canadian Astronomical Society Société Canadienne d’Astronomie presented the inaugural Dunlap Award for Innovation in Astronomical Research Tools at the society’s annual meeting in Quebec City.
The Dunlap Award is presented to an individual or team for the design, invention, or improvement of instrumentation or software that has enabled significant advances in astronomy.
It is made possible through a gift from the Dunlap Institute for Astronomy & Astrophysics, University of Toronto, and reflects the institute’s mission to develop innovative astronomical instruments, observing techniques and tools that will lead to breakthrough discoveries.
The award consists of a monetary prize and a certificate, and is presented every two years. The nominee, or leader of a nominated team, will be a member of CASCA and a Canadian astronomer or an astronomer working in Canada. The winner will be invited to speak at the CASCA annual meeting.