After a nearly 5 year hiatus, Hot-Wiring the Transient Universe is returning with a bang! Hotwiring VII will be hosted by the Dunlap Institute at the University of Toronto, May 13-16, 2024.
Friday May 17 is reserved for building and hacking together.
This will be a WORKshop. Each day will have a mixture of talks, hack sessions, code demos, and brainstorming new instruments and systems. The three main science pillars will be:
Sessions will focus on themes that span all three communities including challenges for effective follow-up, how to turn the coming flood of observations into scientific inference at scale, and the path towards the next generation of facilities. We will focus on software AND hardware infrastructure. In addition, any attendee can suggest other topics for discussion during daily unconference sessions.
To register for the conference, please go to the Dunlap Institute Eventbrite page linked below. Deadline for registration is Monday April 15 (or until we are full; we have capacity for 100 in-person attendees). General registration is $200, student registration is $100.
Our formal program will run 9:00am-5:00pm from Monday May 13 to Thursday May 16. However, we will be able to provide rooms in the Astronomy Building at the University of Toronto on Friday May 17 for any groups who wish to continue hacking/working on projects (no food will be provided).
We will live stream all talks on Zoom and provide moderators to ensure that online participants can ask questions. We will also add any interested online participants to the conference Slack. However, conference organizers will not explicitly facilitate online participation during the unconference/breakout sessions. To express interest in online participation, please fill out this form by Friday May 10 (we will use this to add participants to Slack and share the relevant Zoom links).